
When Unicorns Meet Pythons

The following is Naomi Ceder’s response to Christina Dunbar Hester’s entry on Naomi’s talk.

This is my personal opinion only—it should be clear that I’m not speaking officially for the PSF, the Python community, or anyone else.

I suppose the fact that I’m my 3rd year as chair of the PSF indicates that the Python world continues to be genuinely supportive of inclusion and diversity. PyCon itself has continued to evolve into an ever more diverse place, with an ever stronger representation of queer folks, people of color, people who speak different languages, etc. Codes of Conduct are nearly universal these days, and more often than not communities insist that they be well crafted and meaningful, and backed up by real enforcement. Even in these retrograde times of official attacks on the rights of so many groups, we have come a long way.

But just as I said 5 years ago, it’s still not all rainbows and unicorns. Too many groups (throughout the open-source world globally) are making only token efforts to foster inclusion and (in my opinion) too many members of privileged groups tend to focus on superficial or cosmetic changes rather than addressing the underlying fundamental issues marginalized groups face. It doesn’t take a bit away from how far we’ve come to also acknowledge how much we still have to do.

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